To The Brim is dedicated to enriching the lives of Southwest Virginians through a blend of culinary initiatives, educational experiences, and sustainable practices and creating a physical space that leaves people full – To The Brim.
Abingdon, Virginia and the surrounding region are home to unique and diverse culinary and agriculture practices that have sustained families for generations — a uniquely Appalachian culinary heritage that has put the region on the national map as a culinary destination for tourists. Despite being home to over 8,000 citizens and many small-business food entrepreneurs, the town of Abingdon and surrounding counties lack fundamental infrastructure and educational resources needed to expand food-based businesses such as catering services, food trucks, and local product development. To The Brim aims to address key critical barriers for fully developing our local food economy by ensuring access to a certified commissary for public and small business use, establishing community gardens for those who do not have the ability to grow at home, and offering a plethora of educational opportunities for children and families with an emphasis on culinary action, healthy activities, sustainable practices, and Appalachian culture.